Dracaena Lemon Lime
October 4, 2023
Dracaena marginata
October 5, 2023Dracaena Limelight
What is the Dracaena Limelight?
If you are an indoor plant enthusiast, you will probably recognize the Dracaena genus. They’re everywhere! The Dracaena marginata, Warneckii, Janet Craig, Lemon Lime, and more recently the Sansevieria are all a Dracaena variation. So, what makes the Dracaena Limelight stand out? While the Dracaena Lemon Lime has dark and light green leaves, the Limelight has glossy bright green leaves.
Dracaena Limelight Care Needs
You won’t be surprised to find out that the Dracaena Limelight has similar care needs to most Dracaena. This trait helps these plants stay popular in homes and offices alike! The Dracaena Limelight does not like direct light as it could scorch its leaves. This plant is also quite drought tolerant, but that doesn’t mean it enjoys long stretches of dryness as that could be stressful on the plant. If you’re in need of a slow-growing plant, the Dracaena Limelight is a plant that takes its time.
Plants give us many health and mental benefits when they are at their healthiest.
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Similar Plants to the Dracaena Limelight
If you’re into unusual colors, the Dracaena Lemon Lime has dazzling leaves of multiple shades of green, with some white as well. If you want a taller Dracaena, the Janet Craig, marginata, and Mass Cane grow upwards of 5-6 feet tall!
If you want a plant similar in size to the Dracaena Limelight, the Reflexa Song of India might just catch your eye!
If you really like the bright chartreuse of the Dracaena Limelight, try the Neon Pothos! This plant typically enjoys more light and water than the Limelight, but it’s very adaptable to a variety of settings.