Ponytail Palm
October 5, 2023
Rhapis Palm
October 6, 2023Jade Pothos
What is the Jade Pothos ?
The Jade Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a classic beginner houseplant that is also popular in offices as well because of its adaptability and ease of care! The vines of the pothos trail down if there is vertical support and will look great as it hangs over the sides of planters. Having a climbing pothos is another way to show off this wonderful plant for a different look. If a pothos has wires or poles to climb and a little guidance from our plant technicians, you will have a climbing pothos for years to come!
Jade Pothos Care Needs
So, you’re loving this plant so far, but how do you care for a Jade Pothos? Pothos plant care is surprisingly easy and most environments will support this plant. Although they prefer bright, indirect light, the Jade Pothos will tolerate darker environments. Pruning the Jade Pothos plant is very straightforward—let us know if you want a trailing or short plant and we will handle the maintenance!
Plants give us many health and mental benefits when they are at their healthiest.
Our plant guarantee provides you with peace of mind, as we ensure regular maintenance including watering and debris removal, utilization of organic pest control when needed, and regular quality control visits. When plants reach the end of their natural life cycle, your plants will be replaced free of charge!

Jade Pothos
Similar Plants to the Jade Pothos
Another popular variety of the pothos is the Silver Satin Pothos! It has the same care needs as the Jade Pothos, but has a unique leaf pattern that brings a touch of elegance to any space. The Pothos Neon has similar care needs and lives up to its name with its bright green leaves. Many Philodenron varieties are trailing plants and look similar to the Pothos.