Philodendron Selloum Hope
October 5, 2023
Jade Pothos
October 5, 2023Ponytail Palm Care Needs
Since this is in fact a succulent, it requires less water than you think and enjoys bright light, but can tolerate bright, indirect light. The biggest threat to this plants care is overwatering, but our plant care team is well-versed in taking care of these spunky plants. The ponytail plant can even go without water for several weeks in the winter! With any plant, it’s all about understanding the whole environment and how it changes throughout the year.
Plants give us many health and mental benefits when they are at their healthiest.
Our plant guarantee provides you with peace of mind, as we ensure regular maintenance including watering and debris removal, utilization of organic pest control when needed, and regular quality control visits. When plants reach the end of their natural life cycle, your plants will be replaced free of charge!

Ponytail Palm
Similar Plants to the Ponytail Palm
If you’re into succulents, we can provide succulent arrangements that you can have for a few weeks or for as long as you like! All succulents will require a lot of light and less water than the typical houseplant.
If you’re looking for that long-leaf look, but don’t have a lot of light in your space, any plant in the Draecena genus will be a great fit, especially the Dracaena marginata!