Benefits of a Plant Service
August 28, 2023
Blooming Plants & Fresh Flowers
October 12, 2023Happy National Indoor Plant Week
We all love plants, but how many of you knew there was a whole week dedicated to celebrating indoor plants? The third week of September is known as National Indoor Plant Week, which emphasizes the benefits of indoor plants and brings awareness to their importance. But how does one celebrate the benefits of indoor plants? Where do you even begin your journey to become a proud plant parent?
Benefits of Indoor Plants
As much as we like to say we care for our plants, they also do tremendous work to care for their owners. There has been mention of a correlation between mental health and plants, but how do plants affect mental health? They have been proven to improve mental health, especially in hospital spaces, by increasing healing while simultaneously reducing the risk of illness.
Another benefit of indoor plants includes improving the air quality in a space. If you work at an office, you definitely want to consider renting some plants. Office plant benefits include increasing productivity, creativity, and reducing noise. Plants are miracle workers! But plants do not only benefit corporate and medical spaces. These benefits extend to your retail environments, community areas, and even your home. National Indoor Plant Week is the perfect time to notice just how many plants you see daily, and reflect on the power of plants.
Celebrating Biophilia
What in the world is biophilia? Biophilia is the love of nature and life, and it is a feeling that is intrinsically tied to humans. We as humans love nature, and it seems to love us back with all the benefits they give us. Because of these benefits, many architects have begun including biophilic designs. Examples of biophilia include offices bringing in live trees into workspaces or including small plants or flowers in a hospital patient’s room. Some spaces even have an entire green wall. The goal of using a biophilic design is to connect people with these plants. Biophilia makes individuals happier, and those individuals are then able to connect with other people, creating a positive environment for everyone.
How to Liven up Your Environment
You now know the benefits of indoor plants, what do you do now? Think about what you value in your work environment. Is it community? Is it peace? Do you value quiet time and focus? Plants can help bring your vision to life quite literally. Moss walls can act as a gathering point, living art can help center you on a hectic day, and an office plant near your desk can help boost your productivity.
Let us know your values, and we can help! There are so many ways to introduce indoor plants to your environment. Take a look at our catalog of plants if you are interested in learning what plants we have to offer.